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  1. JimAbs43 Hardcore 2.0 #60 - Injecting Oral steroids, is it safe? - Euro Pharma Hardcore 2.0 #60 - Injecting Oral steroids, is it safe? - Euro Pharma
  2. JimAbs43

    Trusted Hardcore 2.0 #56 - Beligas Pharma an Introduction Hardcore 2.0 #56 - Beligas Pharma an Introduction
  3. W

    Steroids is mike O’hearn a fake natty?

    I was watching some episodes of American Gladiator and I noticed Mike O’Hearn was in them which is pretty cool I never knew he was one of the Gladiators. Anyway watching some of his other videos he’s very adamant that he is natural and has never used steroids. Is there any reason why someone...
  4. W

    SARMS can you mix s4 and GW to cut?

    I’m very interested in trying S4 and I plan on doing 50 mg a day I also would like to stack something with it. The one that I’m really intrigued by is GW what do you think about doing them both together for 8 weeks? I’ll be looking to cut down I’m currently 25 percent body fat and 270 pounds
  5. H

    Steroids Would you rather look like zyzz or The Rock?

    I have a hypothetical question who would you rather look like between zyzz and The rock and what steroid stacks do you think they are both using? I've been training for about 6 months and I'm nowhere close to looking like either of them but I would like to push myself hard over the next year...
  6. G

    SARMS Doing a 50-50mg sarms run

    a friend of mine just did sarms and i was amazed how much results he got he told me that he did a 50 mg by 50 mg cycle. what he did was stack lgd4033 and he did some rad 140 as well he did them both at 50 mg a day which is a really high dosage compared to what you guys on here recommend. however...
  7. P

    Steroids Adderal and steroids mixed

    I have a prescription for adderal and it took me going to several doctors to finally get it so I don't want to screw things up. I'm not telling my doctor that I want to use steroids so I want to ask you guys on here if it would be safe for me to stack them both together. please Don't lecture me...
  8. D

    Steroids 10 years of steroid use

    I’ve used steroids now for exactly 10 years I am now 25 years old I would peg my body as average to above average. My stats are up to 185 pounds and 6’1’’ What if i were to stop using steroids cold turkey ? do you think i would be okay since i am so young?
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